


Micco group:
Telephone: 0315-6923788

Ministry of international trade:
Telephone: 0315-6925878
Fax: 0315-6924638
Ministry of domestic trade:
Telephone: 0315-6921919
Chicken products sales:
Telephone: 0315-6927888
Fax: 0315-6921889
Email address: mkd@meikeduo.com
Website:  http://enmeikeduo.mycn86.cn
Address: industrial park, zunhua city, tangshan city, hebei province

Beijing Oil Chicken Roast Chicken Crystal Chicken

Your current position: 首 页 >> Products >> Beijing Oil Chicken

Beijing Oil Chicken Roast Chicken Crystal Chicken

  • Detailed introduction

Meikeduo Wholesale prices

The address of this article:http://v4s4x1.79347.cn/en/product/633.html

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